The Sensible Sages are here to recognize and engage the neglected wisdom and talent of senior minds by using them in projects that benefit society.



We are a group of mature creative thinkers who are concerned that too many experienced and productive minds are being wasted. We are non-profit "Think Tank" who come together to discover opportunities to challenge and find positive direction for the creative wit and wisdom of the special knowledge that age and experience has bestowed upon our members.


All of us know friends and relatives who have skills and talents that languish, unused. It is extremely difficult, as an individual, to find something that stimulates one’s mind and calls upon ones abilities. That is why Sensible Sages exists.

Together, we will be that “Think Tank” that not only comes up with the excitement and beneficial aspects of a project, but will join with you and fellow members, working together, to make them a reality. As a Non-Profit organization, Sensible Sages will have the ability and stability to secure financial “Grants” to accomplish these goals.

Mankind has added years to our lives……
now it is time to add “life” to our years!


Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many. ~Author Unknown

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